Previous My PrEP Experience Posts

Sunday, November 23, 2014

VIDEO: "Love somebody" - Dakota is back with a vid on his first PrEP day

[Read Dakota's blog from yesterday - Alabama firefighter, paramedic and "pitcher" goes on PrEP.]

In the video, Dakota talks about all kinds of stuff regarding this first day on PrEP. Including having a rather "invasive" checkup before hand - with swabs going in all kinds of orifices. He complains about awful PowerPoints used for patient education. (can we get an AMEN?)  And he talks about how he has always made decisions that were appropriate to him and his life - not paying heed to the judgments of others.

Thanks for sharing Dakota! We look forward to following your journey ;)


  1. Hi Dakota, thanks for sharing. You've given those of us unaware of the "process" on heck of a visual LOL...but at least now we know what to expect. You're a funny guy!!

  2. the doctor visits are least of the worry here really. The real problem is the Inusrance companies who are charging an arm and leg for truvada as prep which is ridiculous! My first script was 55 bucks thru Humana go in for the second refill after the first and the pharmcist tech tells me $450.71. I about choked on my breathe mint. Totally blows cause I was wanting this drug because as a Type 2 diabetic with dental issues as in quite a few cavities and a broke off tooth Im at risk for the virus if I have sex. So this pharmacy visit was quite the let down. Hopefully Gilead has some discount program for guy like me with shitty Humana insurance.
